March 26


One Easy Way to Spread Love

March 26, 2022

I think we need more love in the world. I've been experiencing very strong nudges in the past week to make heart rocks to distribute throughout my community to help spread the energy of love. 

The more I read and learn about how the universe works, and how what we focus on, we bring more of into our lives, I think it's so important for people to shift their thinking to more loving thoughts. When I say this, I mean thoughts about ourselves first and foremost, but also about other people.

Since we are all connected, the thoughts we have about ourself influences how we feel about others. This energy is shared, so if you're thinking negative thoughts all of the time, it affects you and everyone else.

Can you imagine if every person you met, approached you with love, compassion, and a helpful spirit? What if you approached everyone that way? How would it change your interactions?

Making these little painted heart rocks is just one small thing I felt drawn to do. As an introvert and being on the autism spectrum, I don't socialize a lot. Putting little hearts and "love" rocks out around town for others to find, and for them to hopefully feel joy when they find one, just seem like something easy that I can do right now.

This past week I made over 100 rocks that I'll be clear-coating this weekend. If you've never painted rocks before, you probably don't realize how much work goes into the making of them. It usually takes me a week or two to finish a batch. Part of the time is waiting for something to dry before moving to the next step. Here's a quick rundown of making painted rocks.

1. First you need to go collect rocks, or buy them at a home improvement or landscaping company. 

2. The rocks need to be washed with soap and preferably scrubbed so you're starting with a clean surface. If you skip this step, within weeks or months, the paint will start flaking off which is a real bummer.

3. The rocks need to dry thoroughly.

4. Paint the base color of the rock and let it dry completely. I use acrylic paints or spray paints.

5. Paint the design or words on the rock. I use acrylic paints and paint pens. Let it dry completely.

Painted heart rocks

6. Optional: Label the bottom of the rock. I do this using OCROCKSUSA labels to help raise awareness of this kindness movement. If you want to try your hand at this search "kindness rocks" and your city to see if there's a group already for this. It's a lot of fun. For the labels, I print out a sheet of them on paper. Cut out the labels individually. Using Mod Podge, I glue a label to the bottom of each rock. Let it dry completely.

6. Clear coat (usually with oil-based spray paint) the rocks and let them dry completely. Optional: a 2nd clear coat ensures the paint below will last a little longer. If you label the rocks, you will need to clear coat the bottom, let it dry, flip each rock over and clear coat the top. If you don't clear coat over the label, it will smudge and peel off when it rains.

These rocks were too small for labels, so I actually painted a heart on both sides so a heart will show even if the rocks accidentally gets flipped over.

These little hearts which I call "love pebbles" are small enough to keep one in your pocket so throughout the day when you feel it there, you can be reminded that you are loved.

Heart rocks

These little heart rocks are super easy to make so if you want one easy way to spread more love, try your hand at these.



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