July 31


Manifesting Your Desires

July 31, 2021

When I want to read about a particular topic, I often jump around, reading one chapter from one book, then a chapter from another book, I listen to part of a book on audio, then I go back to the first book and read another chapter. I'm not sure why I do this, but it works for me. 

Recently, I've been reading "A Happy Pocket Full of Money" by David Cameron Gikandi, "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Jane Roberts, "Secrets of Manifesting" by Dr. Wayne Dyer, and "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill.

The main topics I'm focusing on at the moment is how to manifest desires, or dreams, into reality and how important our thoughts are. In reading multiple books, the same messages keep coming up over and over. One of those is reciting affirmations using the present tense, "I am."

The reason to use "I am" statements, such as, "I am creative," "I am abundant," "I am healthy," etc. is to let the universe know that your energy is ready to accept that result right now, in the present. You state your desire as if it's true right now. Then put emotions, feeling and belief behind the statement. Visualize that thing that you desire as clearly as you can as if it's true already.

Shine Your Light - positive thoughts

Dr. Wayne Dyer had a funny analogy to illustrate the point about putting emotion behind your affirmation. Paraphrasing, he said, imagine if you ask someone out on a date, and there's no emotion behind it. You say, "I'd love to take you out" in a flat tone. The person you're asking will probably think you're joking, or that you don't really want it. It's the same with the universe. Let the universe know you mean it when you make a request or state an affirmation. You have to BELIEVE IT and make the universe believe it!!

When we recite affirmations, we want to do that from a place of the present as if it's already true. In A Happy Pocket Full of Money, the author says it's OK to say, "I desire..." but not, "I want..." He says that if you say, "I want..." then the universe will bring you more wanting, not having.

And if you say, "I desire X goal in a year" then you might be missing out on opportunities for the universe to bring it to you sooner, so don't put time frames on things that are so far out.

Side note: I had been watching the TV series "Lucifer" and every time I hear, "I desire..." I think about that show and how the character Lucifer asks people, "What do you truly desire?" And if you haven't watched the show, Lucifer is the devil, yes, but a different take on who the devil is. It's fairly lighthearted, a little silly at times, and worth a watch in my opinion. Anyway, back to what I was saying about reciting affirmations...

As an example, when launching my art business, I would recite, "I am a successful artist. I am amazingly creative. My paintings are sought after and bring joy, peace, fun, lightheartedness to people who buy them. I paint with ease and infuse all of my art with positive energy."

The point of writing down and reciting affirmations is to focus your mind, thoughts, energy, feelings, around that desire. Be clear when you think about what you want. If done correctly, soon you will start manifesting your dreams or desires into reality. Be available for opportunities that will help you manifest your dreams. 

All of us are connected and when we put energy out into the world in the form of messages and requests, magical things happen. Events and situations start aligning to bring to you that which you focus your thoughts and energy on. So be careful what you wish for, and be aware of where your thoughts are focused. If negative thoughts creep up, squash them and state an opposite to negate it. For example, if you become aware that you are thinking, "I  don't have anything to offer a potential love partner" then immediately say, "That's not true. I have a lot to offer a potential love partner," and start brainstorming positive traits you have. Make a list. Review the list daily. It is important to train your mind to think positive thoughts so you manifest good things into your life.

In many of my paintings, there are word messages to help remind you of these truths and to be mindful about your thoughts. In one painting there are messages, "My daydreams are so vivid I easily manifest my desires into existence." and, "Today is magical. Do you feel the magic?" Another painting says, "My reality is a reflection of my thoughts. Change your thoughts to change your life." and, "I choose my path."

If you’d like to have these reminders in the way of beautiful abstract art on your walls, then be sure to shop my Collective Consciousness series of paintings available in my shop https://amberkillingerart.com/collections/collective-consciousness-collection.

Here are some affirmations to get you started.

I am worthy.

I am beautiful.

I am brave.

I am thoughtful.

I am smart.

I am creative.

I am loved.

I am kind.

I am strong.

I am grateful.

I am enough.

I am healthy.

I am wealth.

I am abundance.

I am joy.

I am.

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