July 19


New ‘The Light Within’ Added to Shop

July 19, 2021

The newest addition to my "Collective Consciousness" series is this blue and yellow painting titled "The Light Within." 

The Light Within - Healing Art Painting by Amber Killinger

If we think about all of the people in the world, we know there is suffering in many regions of the world, even here within our own country and state. But anyone who has studied manifestation knows that what you focus on, grows and becomes manifested. So I choose to focus on the light. We all have the power to focus on the light within, and to help manifest more of that light into the world around us. 

This piece will remind you to focus on the light, the bright spot, and to help that brightness grow. And if you can do one small thing to brighten someone else's day, even better.

"Spread the light to one and the light will spread to many." 

-Amber Killinger

Find this and my other paintings for sale in my shop. AmberKillingerArt.com

1/15/2022 NOTE: See the updated art and article here: https://amberkillinger.com/the-light-within-enhanced/

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