5/18/2021: I wanted to give you a sneak peek into what I’m currently working on. This one is very warm with reds and pinks.

With the bottom finished, I’m not quite sure what I want to do with the top section. As part of the process, I often set a piece aside for some days and come back to it at a later time.
5/24/2021 Update: So I decided to add some circles because I love bubbles and dots. I also added some charcoal gray wavy lines to the orange, to add a break in the composition. I also decided I didn’t like the pink dots the way they were, so I added some contrast and definition to that area as well.

5/25/2021 Update: I added some white dot detailing to the charcoal wavy lines. I love the way it’s all coming together now!

5/27/2021 Update: And…finishing touches.